Saturday 11 December 2010

Where is the moon tonight?

It is 3 am Saturday night. It is really a quiet night ever. I am sitting trying looking for the moon and the stars in the sky. But, I really cant find any one of them tonight. The wind blows strongly; the crickets are singing; the dogs are barking and people in the world are sleeping. But why I cant sleep at all. I cant concentrate on my stupid assignments and I dont really know what I am thinking of now. But, I just sense that my heart is crying for something. He told me that he felt like a fish out of water. I asked him what you really mean? He replied he did not know but just felt like that.

Then I asked him. Do you miss your previous owner? He replied that " not really". I asked another question that Are you falling in love with someone? He told me that " not really". Then I asked another question that Do you wanna have another owner? Again, he reacted that " not really". Then I realized that even though our brain is super educated or whatever, our brain never understands our heart language.

Every time I feel this way, I always go up to my roof and stair at the moon or stars then make a conversation with them. They always keep quiet and listen to every single word of mine. Their smiling seems to give me hopes and motivation. Even though, they say nothing, I feel that they always say the phrase "Go on, go on. Forget the past, do ur best in the present and dont worry about the future". Thanks for always supporting me, giving me hope, being there when I need and never giving me up. Thanks indeed.

Friday 10 December 2010

A person who truely love you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is!

"A person who truely loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is" is a phrase that always remains in my brain. Before the 10th April 2010, I was a person who strongly believed in love. I always felt proud to have a girlfriend. I always introduced my girlfriend to everyone I know and told them her positive ways.

Being with her, I swore that never would I give up her alone. I would abandon everything including my work, my study and even my family. I told myself that I would never let my girl drop any tear because of me. I would make her to feel that she would be the luckiest girl in the world. I would let she know that choosing me as her husband was the right choice for her.

I used to think that nothing in this world I could not do or solve. Yet, when she called to me saying goodbye, I could not do anything but shedding my tear and heart instead. I really never dropped any tear since I was mature. But that time, my tear was unstoppable. My heart did not listen to me anymore. My brain seemed to stop working. My legs could not move. My hands tried to stop my tear dropped. My tear almost became an ocean. It was unforgettable.

Even though I am a stupid person in terms of characteristic, to love and to my girlfriend I am just a soft and weak person. Everyone who knows me would physically view that I am just an aggressive person; yes, in working and studying I am. I almost find no weakness in working and studying; I mean I always success. But people have to remember that no one is perfect. So, LOVE is in what I am worse.

I am an extreme person. If I love something or someone, I would never keep any percentage for another person or thing or even for myself. Because I think that only being an extreme person, I can taste the real meaning of those stuff, so does love.

I also ask the question that " why a person cant give up everything just for a person we love?" Why do lovers leave his/her beloved by saying that they still love the left persons? Just for a while, I came out with the above phrase that " A person who truely loves us will never let us go, no matter how hard the situation is". If she/he goes or leaves us, no matter the reason, she/he just doesn't love you enough. She/he doesn't mean or deserve your true love for them. No need to feel guilty since we are not the one break up promise and abandon our belovers.

True love is unlimited sacrifice. If someone thinks that he/she sacrifies enough for their love, they never know what exactly the meaning of true love. So, dont regret their leaving. Let it be!!!